SOCIUS Members

Emília Rodrigues Araújo

Personal Data Name: Emília Rodrigues Araújo
Other contact data:
Academic Degrees Bachelor in Sociology, Universidade do Minho
Master in organizational social-economic systems, ISEG - UTL
PhD in Sociology, Universidade do Minho
Post-Doc in Sociology, University of Minho, University of Cardiff (ongoing) .
Current Professional Activity Assistant professor, Department of Sociology, University of Minho
Vice-President of the Institute of Sciences Sociais, Universidade do Minho
Head of Master in Sociology, University of Minho
Reseacher at CECS –Research Center in Communication Studies
Researcher at SOCIUS
Domains of Research Social studies of science and technology, mobilities and discourses
Sociology of culture, lifestyles and social studies of time Ensino superior, identities, rituals and gender studies
Relevant Publications Araújo, Emília R. 2007. "Why Portuguese students go abroad to do their PhDs?", Higher Education in Europe 4, 32: 387 - 397.

Araújo, Emília. 2005. "Understanding PhD as a phase in time", Time & Society, 14: 191 – 211

Araújo, Emília R. 2009. "With a rope around their necks: grant researchers living in a suspended time", New Technology, Work and Employment 3, 11: 30 - 242.

Araújo, Emília, Fontes, Margarida e Bento, Sofia (eds.).2013. Para um debate sobre Mobilidade e Fuga de Cérebros, Braga: CECS (978-989-8600-11-0)

Araújo, Emília R. 2008. "Technology, gender and time", Work, gender and Organization 5, 15: 472 - 503.
Curriculum CV